Thursday, March 12, 2009

English 2000-24 Justin Babin Louisiana Purchase

Looking at the photo of the Louisiana Purchase one can notice that the purchase more than doubled the size of the United States. This photo is important to Louisiana because it illustrates how important the state of Louisiana was important to the country. The purchase was made by Thomas Jefferson and marks the time when Louisiana became a state of the United States. The photo is important to all Louisianans because it lets it’s current residents know where there state came from and how it evolved. One can better understand how the culture and heritage of Louisiana came about through the Louisiana Purchase.
To better understand the Louisiana Purchase, a brief history is provided: Louisiana was originally settled by the French in the early 18th century. The area west of the Mississippi was ceded to Spain by a secret treaty, and at the end of the Seven Years’ War, the area east of the Mississippi was lost to Great Britain. Then, by another secret treaty, it was returned to France. The current president, Jefferson, sent James Monroe to Paris to aid the American minister to France, Robert R. Livingston, in an attempt to buy New Orleans. Instead he was given all of the state of Louisiana. Louisiana was sold for $15 million. At the time of purchase, Jefferson was concerned about the constitutionality of making a land acquisition without adding a covering amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The law of the land, however, did give the president treaty-making power, and the Louisiana Purchase was ratified into law as a treaty by the U.S. Senate. The Louisiana Purchase stands as the largest area of territory ever added to the U.S. at one time (
Considering the history provided above along with the picture of the Louisiana Purchase, one can realize the importance this picture has to the people of Louisiana. The picture clearly illustrates the vast amount of area the Louisiana Purchase gave to the United States. Not only was the Purchase important to the state of Louisiana, but it was important in the expansion of the United States. I picked the picture of the Louisiana Purchase because it is what Louisiana is most known for well appreciated throughout the entire United States and not just to the state of Louisiana.

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