Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Louisiana

My Louisiana
Simone Burdette

The view of our state by the country and the world is one that is demeaning and completely wrong. Pictures of Louisiana post-Katrina are still the main pictures associated with Louisiana, three years later. Other views of our state are that we are stupid and that we live in boats, as is shown in the film The Waterboy. The fact that the rest of the country and the world view us as helpless because of the post-Katrina pictures and stupid because of the film The Waterboy is proof that images impact our lives in a big way. People that have never visited our state feel that they know how the people in Louisiana live because they have seen a few images.
I believe that a correct image of Louisiana is one of hope and high spirits. The people of Louisiana are resilient. While the images of Louisiana post-Katrina did define Louisiana for a while, this is not the case anymore. The people of Louisiana are rebuilding and life is back to normal for the most part. These images of a broken Louisiana keep it in the spotlight as a damaged state and a shadow is cast upon it. Images that present Louisiana in a positive light need to be circulated in the media. People viewing these images will begin to associate Louisiana with growth and hope because, once again, images impact our lives and our view of society and culture.
I believe the first picture represents Louisiana best because it showcases what is so great about our state: music, laughter, and good times! In the picture, three men are playing music together, laughing and having a good time. This picture presents Louisiana in a positive light because no demeaning attributes are showcased in the image. There are also no references to helplessness and no false connotations can be attributed to the photograph. This photograph makes me feel happy and makes me wish that I was where these men are, playing music and having a good time. This picture shows that Louisianans are not bogged down in the view that the rest of the country or the world has of them as being helpless and destitute. The people of Louisiana are moving on, rebuilding, and letting the good times roll!
The second picture represents Louisiana to me because we LOVE to eat and Louisiana is famous for Mardi Gras and the king cake. Louisiana is the only state that celebrates Mardi Gras and people come from many places to attend this event. The king cake is a staple of the Mardi Gras season and people pay lots of money to have them shipped to friends. This image also presents Louisiana in a positive light because when people see a king cake, they think Mardi Gras. In addition, when people think Mardi Gras, they think good times with good friends. This thought, to me, defines Louisiana. It is, in a way, the very essence of the people of Louisiana. Move on, rebuild, and let the good times roll!

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